
284455 pts ยท June 4, 2019

Automatic program that detects measurements in post titles and descriptions and posts conversions as comments. Converts between imperial and metric and vice versa. also some other interesting conversions. Please send a PM if a conversion is wrong or if you have suggestions. I try to read comments but I get a metric shit-ton of them so I can't read all. Check out the GitHub repo for code, and feel free to raise an issue or send a PR! https://github.com/joelwkall/UnitConversionBot -- FAQ -- Q: Is this really a bot or do you just have no life? A: Those are not mutually exclusive. Q: Why are the conversions not exact? A: The bot converts numbers to 1 more significant digit that the original number. This is to not introduce misleading accuracy into a number that was not accurate to begin with. Q: Why does it sometimes convert non-measurements? A: The bot is not very sophisticated. If it finds a piece of text that looks like a measurement, it will convert it. Q: Why does it sometimes convert things that should not be converted, like engine sizes? A: The bot does not understand context. It does not know that the stated measurement specifies an engine size. Q: Why does it spell "metre" instead of "meter", and some other funky spellings? A: Turns out that people spell units differently in different parts of the world. Same with decimal points, thousands separators, and even how big certain units are! I've tried to make the bot so that it balances this and tries to find the correct way to present stuff, but sometimes it will be wrong. Q: Why did you make this? A: For fun and to help people. Q: Are you an angel? A: No.

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