I like his shirt

Oct 17, 2024 11:32 AM








so, her voting decision comes down to 'treats me like trash, so I'll vote for them"...?

19 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Holy shit people are stupid.

20 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

i was at a party where everyone was complaining and saying they hated trump yadayda and i was like cool so we all voting for Kamala, and they were like oh no ill never vote in a presidential election, like wtf they why are you complaining you asked for this by doing nothing .

22 hours ago | Likes 8 Dislikes 0

Im not like the others, im different (dumber than fuck)

22 hours ago | Likes 12 Dislikes 0

People like her is why we got Brexit in the UK. Seriously voted for it because "haha what am I like??" like they couldn't just pretend they did that and actually voted for something not stupid. I'm not joking. They interviewed people like this the next day.

15 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

"I feel compelled to vote different because everyone else surrounding me vote the same" ...voting isn't a fashion trend... being different should not be the reason for how you vote...

22 hours ago | Likes 9 Dislikes 0

22 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

Just remember guys: For every one of us, that's decently informed, on the internet there's 10 absolutely fucking ignorant fucknut idiots that vote via their 'heart' aka uninformed opinion.

20 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

You should vote, because she is voting too.

21 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 1

Yeah. Not incidentally, this is one of the worst manifestations of privilege. "I can choose on a whim b/c *I'm* not a protected class so I don't need to take politics seriously. I'm not struggling, why should I care about struggling people?" Too many people have dodged their responsibilities under the social contract and we have to stop acting like it's ok.

21 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 1

At this point If you are still on the fence you’re either not paying attention or there is something wrong with you mentally. There is no in between.

19 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

“Undecided” voters just want attention

23 hours ago | Likes 40 Dislikes 3

Or the opposite: they're voting for Trump, they know they're voting for Trump, and they're just too chickenshit to take the rightful flack they are owed for such a shitty, selfish, and stupid decision. So they're, "undecided," to their friends in the hopes that the subject will just pass by but MAGA in the voting booth.

22 hours ago | Likes 23 Dislikes 0

"Do I vote for the party that loves puppies or the party that shoot puppies? It's a really hard decision for me to make!!!"

21 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

Christian nationalists are the only reason trump has any chance at all. He has them all brainwashed cause they're already brainwashed

22 hours ago | Likes 18 Dislikes 0

Some Catholic Latinos/Hispanics used to vote Republican solely because of the abortion issue. Not sure if all of those voters still do.

22 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Yep. I guarantee hundreds of thousands of trump votes are voting for him because he is who backs there insane views of Christianity even though the dudes an actual demon of a person

22 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

I used to vote for balanced congress and things like that. Then the 2016 cycle started and Trump started steering me left of center. By 2020 I dismissed any notions of balance.

Either way when looking at the VPs... I'd take Coach Big Dad Energy over Unhinged Rumored-Couch-Banger from Ohio any day.

22 hours ago | Likes 11 Dislikes 0

Yeah balanced congress doesn't lead to bipartisanship it leads to deadlock because apparently making the other side looking bad is more politically advantageous than you looking good. Thanks, Gingrich.

20 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

One of many examples of why not everyone should vote.

21 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

She didn't want to say, on stage, that she won't vote for Kamala because she's black.

I'll bet you $100 it's that simple.

22 hours ago | Likes 66 Dislikes 4

It's simpler than that. She wants the attention. Most contrarians do it for the spotlight.

22 hours ago | Likes 34 Dislikes 1

No we don't!!! /s

21 hours ago | Likes 8 Dislikes 0


19 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

20 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

19 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Anyone know the name of the comedian?

22 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

Gianmarco Soresi. Amazing comedian all around. A lot of his videos are his crowdwork like this, but his actual bits are also great.

21 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

23 hours ago | Likes 31 Dislikes 1

Yes, we're fucked

16 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

You've just met the median voter folks

23 hours ago | Likes 375 Dislikes 3

No, that's a Trump supporter not in a comfortable space to say it. I'm fucking tired of this argument. If this was 2016, sure. But a line was drawn in the sand on Jan 6th 2021 and you are either an American, or you're not. Trump and maga are not. "Undecided" is someone that supports Trump, but wants to feign ignorance when he loses.

16 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 3

You are just factually wrong. Every examination of indipendants has backed this up. They are not a monolith of embarrassed Trump supporters.

The 2020 and 2022 elections both proved that as well.

15 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 1

Democracy sounds like a good idea till you see the median voter, the maga voter... The Adolf voter.... *Sadness intensifies*

21 hours ago | Likes 27 Dislikes 1

Well yeah, but then it starts sounding like a good idea again when you look at the alternatives.

20 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 0

“The best argument against Democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” - usually attributed to Winston Churchill, but likely apocryphal

19 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

To clarify, Hitler didn't become chancellor by German voters. He was appointed, by the opposition. This would be like Harris winning the presidency then appointing Trump as her VP (somehow), then dieing.

16 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

This. How tf do you reach this type of person en mass? I keep coming back up that old phrase: Democracy is the worst form of government except for every other one. You think, why should this person be allowed to participate? But stopping them from voting usually results in stopping some serious voters, too. I have no solution, just disgust.

21 hours ago | Likes 14 Dislikes 1

Oddly enough, the solution is to get more voters engaged and voting. It is harder to win with fearmongering if more people vote...but with less voters every hate filled (or idiotic) voter counts for more. So, day off to vote, automatic voter registration, etc.

21 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 3

One of my favorites is "politics are just thinly veiled businesses". This isnt about making life better or having a population that can thrive, its about making as much cash as possible for yourself before resetting everything to the stone age and people down below thinking that they TOO can reap those benefits.

Except of course they never do or will.

21 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 1

education is the cure

21 hours ago | Likes 14 Dislikes 1

I think Churchill said something like “The greatest argument against a democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.”

21 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

You gotta find the one personal issue that matters to them and work with that

20 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 1

To be clear because someone might think this is a joke, it's not. This lady is dangerous because she is looking not for logic or even a likeable candidate, she is looking to be entertained. That's why she said she would vote for him. He made her laugh. A serial killer can make you laugh, does not mean you get into their car.

18 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

22 hours ago | Likes 12 Dislikes 0

23 hours ago | Likes 158 Dislikes 2

7 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

That's actually perfect because the cereal's about spill all over us while we're feeling smug about this dummy.

21 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 15

I don’t feel smug about this ignorant asshole. Not one fucking bit. She thinks the couch fucker and rape-babies are okay. It’s more of a seething anger at her overwhelming privilege.

21 hours ago | Likes 16 Dislikes 0

Well, I used the word smug since that's what Dennis is feeling in clip. Maybe I should have used the word "superior." It's people like her who are going to cause the spill, and everyone else gets covered in it.

21 hours ago | Likes 9 Dislikes 1


21 hours ago | Likes 8 Dislikes 0

People like her are a very large part of the problem.

22 hours ago | Likes 225 Dislikes 2

Very large people like her are the problem

20 hours ago | Likes 10 Dislikes 53

If you have no self respect then you will search for validation from others or be easily manipulated by them. This is not always the case but it is largely statically true.

17 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 1

Source of stats?

16 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

The woman in the video will never read your comment, but decent people on here who look like that will.

13 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 0

Debate the argument not an individual's physical appearance.

20 hours ago | Likes 37 Dislikes 2

I'm not debating anything

Her privilege got her shitty politics and obesity

20 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 25

Wtf? "People around me think one way, so I HAVE to be devil's advocate." No you don't! Wtf is that logic?

19 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

The logic of an idiot. Granted, it’s just as bad to blindly mimic everything your friend group believes, but those are two extreme ends of the dumbass scale.

5 minutes ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Tim Walz has Major Dad Energy. He probably goes out to mow his lawn in crew socks and white New Balance shoes. JD Vance, for contrast, is just a straight-up freak with no principles at all.
"BuT hOw CaN i PoSsIbLy DeCiDe?"

22 hours ago | Likes 17 Dislikes 2

ok good. ok good. ok good.

22 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 3

How is it even a question? Guy on the left is a genuinely nice dude who wants to help people, and the guy on the right is a literal fascist.

22 hours ago | Likes 11 Dislikes 0

Oh I agree, I was referencing that bizarre donut video Vance's people released.

21 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 0


19 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

He hasn't openly admitted to being a Nazi, but actual Nazis showed up at a rally and nobody chased them away, which means everybody there was OK with Nazis.

17 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

the median voter is vibes based insanity, never forget that

23 hours ago | Likes 605 Dislikes 2

A lot of them vote based on exposure, seriously. The more they hear about someone on the news, the more signs the see, the more they want to be part of the supposed popular crowd essentially.

16 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

And a 3rd grade reading level.

21 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 0

I'm gonna say insanity based vibes, 'cause I'm a Contrarian

21 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 0

Oh my god you're right! Of all the things to not take seriously... unimaginable for me.

22 hours ago | Likes 11 Dislikes 1

I said this at one point, partially from something else I heard: "you may not be interested in politics, but you know who is? Your boss, your land owner, your school, your bank. Everyone who will make your life harder to pad their pockets are really invested in politics, and you're sitting there all "I just don't think it's worth it"."

21 hours ago | Likes 32 Dislikes 0

Here's an older video of a Scotsman saying similar things. youtu.be/U78OeB6n-VM

18 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

And very shallow. I think there are a lot of people not voting for Harris because she’s black and/ or a woman. I’ve had people tell me she’s not smart enough with (obviously) ZERO proof. That’s just blatant racism or sexism

22 hours ago | Likes 82 Dislikes 1

There is proof that she's not smart enough. Trump said so therefore it MUST be true. Trump only has to say something like that and the MAGAs are wandering around like zombies mumbling "Kamala not smart. Kamala not smart...) They don't need proof; as long as an obvious lie supports The Preferred Narrative the MAGAs will just absorb it and turn it into a 'new truth' or one of Kellyanne Conway's 'alternative facts'.

20 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

It's usually both, racism and sexism go hand in hand

20 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

The one I hear the most is that she slept her way to the top. It makes absolutely no fucking sense, but fox (I'm assuming) said it once so it must be repeated.

18 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

They also said Obama "wasn't qualified." The guy who graduated from Columbia, was president of the Harvard Law Review, was a *constitutional law professor* and a US Senator. They couldn't bring themselves to vote for Clinton, who was First Lady, US Senator and Secretary of State. Plain old prejudice.

22 hours ago | Likes 28 Dislikes 0

Then the GQP realized their puppet could be controlled better if the candidates had no experience. So Trump is best because he's not a politician. And Jance Dance Vance is new to congress, so he isn't part of the old swamp rot.
So anyone experienced and good at governing is just 'part of the corrupt career politicians.'

21 hours ago | Likes 10 Dislikes 0

Because gas is too high. I'd rather pay at the pump than live under a dictator.

21 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

i feel like he just described the election perfectly with the choice between ice cream or a fucking mouthful of dirt

22 hours ago | Likes 44 Dislikes 0

It's worse. A mouthful of dirt would be unpleasant but probably not cause any lasting harm. It's more like a choice between ice cream and dismemberment.

21 hours ago | Likes 10 Dislikes 0

22 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 1

"Only because of their VPs"


22 hours ago | Likes 66 Dislikes 0

Means a Harris/Vance ticket might do well in her circles, somehow.

21 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 0

I would be FASCINATED to meet the people in that circle...

14 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

"It's tough. I want women to be second class citizens, but I also want to piss off my family by saying I'm cancelling their vote... Hmmm."

21 hours ago | Likes 15 Dislikes 0

No it's the other way around, she wants women in a position of power, but she wants to piss people off by saying she is cancelling out their vote.

19 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

Ironically she could have both by voting for Harris and telling the people who bizarrely tolerate her she voted for Trump.

15 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

Yeah I don't know why she doesn't think lying about it is an option

14 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

It's not like our country wasn't literally built on lies. Why stop now?

13 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

"The presidential candidates are sooooo similar, I have to use their VPs as the tie breaker"

21 hours ago | Likes 33 Dislikes 1


21 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

It's like the pot calling the kettle...eh...nevermind.

13 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

In those 10 minutes he claims he spent making fun of her, how many times do you think he called her a dumb bitch ?

And how many times would you have done ?

1 day ago | Likes 78 Dislikes 13

Lots. Me? 0, but only because I prefer "loopy cunt"

1 day ago | Likes 12 Dislikes 23

On stage? Zero. Every other time for the rest of my life? Infinity.

22 hours ago | Likes 25 Dislikes 0

You got to keep it entertaining onstage, so probably not many times. Like once or twice but keep it light so other people don't feel uncomfortable about participating in crowd work..

19 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Zero. I don't need to, it's already quite clear.

1 hour ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

I would have done the bit for a while and then said, very sincerely, that she seemed nice and I wish for to have rights. And I wished for her friends, children, parents, and siblings to have rights. And a clean environment. And a shot at slowing climate change. And that I hoped, when push came to shove—in the privacy of the voting booth—she would have the strength and foresight to want that for herself, too. Afterward, she could always just tell people she voted contrarian if she wanted.

22 hours ago | Likes 12 Dislikes 0

I give it a 90% probability that you mentioning "clean environment" or "climate change" instantly solidifies her trump vote.

You're mentioning both, so that goes up.

20 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Nah, not with weeks to the election. If you're still undecided in Sept/Oct, then you aren't instantly turned off by the words "climate change." If you are that knee jerk, you are already in the trump camp.

As she said, a lot of it is just being contrarian. The best play is to gently 1) convey the assumption that she already knows the right decision, 2) remind her that she's young and will live with the consequences of the policies, and 3) that she can still *claim* contrarianism afterward.

14 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Perhaps. I think many voters do not always consider the grand nature of policy decisions and instead reflect on experience. If life was 'good' for them, personally, under x or y individual, they just go back to what was good. They will not consider all the intricacies of abortion, Israel, border, Ukraine etc. These things just don't 'effect' them. They either don't have the will, or the time, to explore these issues. Sprinkle in misinformation, it takes even more time to understand the truth.

15 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Zero on both counts. We can be polite.

23 hours ago | Likes 67 Dislikes 6

What bizarre and self-defeating force is keeping you or anyone polite under these circumstances ?

There is a time for politeness. I am all in favour of this. But there is also a time to abandon that approach when it is demonstrably not getting the point across.

23 hours ago | Likes 12 Dislikes 35



22 hours ago (deleted Oct 17, 2024 3:05 PM) | Likes 0 Dislikes 0

Yes, being impolite to someone who's considering voting for our version of Hitler simply to be a contrarian is just like beating your family for disobeying you. What an intelligent, sincere, and reasonable stance.

22 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 1

And then what? Guy berates one person, shames them in front of others, and then? Everyone goes out and votes for Harris and we all get ice cream?

He made his point.

23 hours ago | Likes 35 Dislikes 2

He made his line, and it flew completely over her head.

20 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Forget ice cream. Let’s shove dirt in our mouths! /s

22 hours ago | Likes 8 Dislikes 0

And you think calling someone dumb will get the point across?
The other will just go in defensive mode and nothing changes

22 hours ago | Likes 12 Dislikes 0

Do you think this interaction made her chance her mind?

Make Dumb Hurt Again.

20 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

"And you think calling someone dumb will get the point across?" It often does, yes.

22 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 3

The thing you are stupidly ignoring by being dumb is that he already specifically destroyed her argument. She admitted OUT LOUD that she picks who other people don't like. He then ridiculed this defeatist idea with the dirt-eating joke.

If you weren't dumb you'd get that.

19 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

And because of people like that, the election is going to be a lot closer than it ever had any right to be.

1 day ago | Likes 1308 Dislikes 9

No. It has every right to be as close as it is. Because if you want to think Kamala is such a great candidate, good for you. I have to deal with her being an Israel supporting asshole who doesn't care about my people. The Democrats need to wake up and realize that until they actually start caring for ALL Americans, then it will always be close.

12 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 2

People like that were produced by design by 5 decades of Republican policies that attacked their perceived threat of quality public education and higher education. They wrote books about it and lived by them. Now they lost control of their control and have been replaced by hucksters in the party. Looking at you Koch, Kissinger, Bennett and Chaney.

20 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

My FIL says "at least he's not a democrat" and I want to scream and throw things

20 hours ago | Likes 8 Dislikes 0

Ask him why. Make him explain, specifically, why being a Democrat is bad. Take it apart a piece at a time, and try and remain calm about it . Didn't let him get away with "they're just bad." How are they bad? What have they done you think is bad?

IF they are the sort, and your relationship is the type, that can have a civil open discussion... Definitely NOT a given... This is the only way to get them to think about how stupid that stance is.

It CAN work, but with in laws, it can be rough.

20 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

20 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

Fuckin great

19 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Glad I voted.

19 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Well, people like that and Nazis

13 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

People like that should shove dirt into their collectives mouths.

20 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

Because people go after feelings not facts. It's like believing in something without evidence or evidence against your position. And you stick with it because it hurts to be wrong.

22 hours ago | Likes 52 Dislikes 1

And that's why religion is such a strong brainwashing technique.

17 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

@MasterMookie, you mean like religion? Which is why fear is such an effective tool to manipulate Christian’s to believe anything. :(

22 hours ago | Likes 12 Dislikes 0

Exactly that! I don't know if @MasterMookie is religious, but I find it astounding the number of religious folks who say that same statement, but look confused when you point out that it describes religion.

21 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 0

Oh I am atheist.

21 hours ago | Likes 10 Dislikes 0

Excellent. Carry on!

4 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

While I like that we have compulsory voting in Australia, we also have lots of people like this and it's why we've had some shitty governments stay in power many times...that said, I think it does keep the extreme nutters out of power.

22 hours ago | Likes 13 Dislikes 0

That, and our election process is protected against people putting themselves in the polling, deliberately trying to rig the vote. Also no gerrymandering or electoral college BS. They don't have a democracy....

14 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

If these contrarians would be well educated voters that would also keep the extreme nutters out, and most likely the regular nutters too.

21 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

My brother said he voted for Trump because he thought it'd be funny last time.

13 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

US politics is beyond me. You essentially have the choice between a nice flowerfield and literally putting a chainsaw in your mouth...

21 hours ago | Likes 30 Dislikes 2

LOL… couldn’t think of a wider dichotomy than that, eh?

6 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Yes but if you're white and/or a man the chain saw is smaller and you revel in the pain caused.

21 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 1

49% (I hope) of US Voters: "Tell me more about this chainsaw in the mouth..."

5 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

It's less of a nice flower field when they keep trying to appeal to centrists and Republicans, but it's still not a chain saw.

20 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 1

They don't care, they just want the guy that also hates the people they hate. That's as far as they can see and you can convince them otherwise because they don't care about anything other than that.

20 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 1

cannot** convince them otherwise

20 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Some people and they are quite a lot think that chainsaw will feel like a pleasant angel.

21 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 1

I don't agree with that. I think they know that the chainsaw will feel like a chainsaw does. What they *think* is that the chainsaw won't be in THEIR mouth.

20 hours ago | Likes 8 Dislikes 1

But the leopards won't eat 𝘮𝘺 face, right?

15 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

It took like five days for the last prez election to be decided. No way it's any less this year, and we need to be mentally prepared for that. Election week now

19 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

I don't care what the polls say, I'll still be very, very relieved AND surprised if T loses. I expect him to get close to 55%, and I hate us for it.

21 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

If Kansas can elect a Democratic governor with Republicans controlling 104 of 105 counties, I think we can keep the big orange asshole out of the White House this time around. I have some hope that we will pleasantly surprise you.

20 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

I will gladly be wrong on this one. At least he's taken seriously as an opponent this time around.

19 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

I just saw an article today over concerns of young black men voting for trump. One person was quoted as saying trump was " a man of his word" another said," he was good with world diplomacy" and the economy " was better" under him. I'm gonna pull my MF hair out.

21 hours ago | Likes 10 Dislikes 0

I have a feeling articles like that are fake and or cherrypicked. I'm a black dude and I've met exactly one black trump supporter in my life and he was basically a schizophrenic conspiracy theorist. I don't doubt they exist but I highly doubt it's any kind of considerable percentage of black people. I think the media thinks they can manipulate the black vote by propping up examples like "see, this guy looks like you and supports trump, you should too!"

20 hours ago | Likes 10 Dislikes 0

I met a black dude this past weekend when I was canvassing for democrats who said he had other plans. I really really wanted to ask, but I’m not that person. But from his demeanour, I think he might have had religious reasons either for backing TFG or for rejecting Harris—or both.

20 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Like, it has been proven they've had to literally hire minorities to get them to make his rallies look more diverse. That wouldn't be necessary if even 30% of black people liked the dude. Plus the ai generated political ads featuring "blacks for trump". Another thing you don't really need to do unless that demographic fuckin' despises you.

20 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

I’m afraid you are most likely right.

11 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

It's going to be close because YOU ONLY HAVE TWO FUCKING CHOICES and yes, one is CLEARLY better than the other, but since half your countryhas purposely been made FUCKING STUPID they always choose the wrong one and the Democratic party really doesn't seem to care too much about that, so this shit will go down every fucking four years until doomsday, which you are always close to.

17 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Not my country.

17 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

My bad.

6 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Contrariness is the stupidest shit in the world

23 hours ago | Likes 167 Dislikes 3

What's funny is how many uninformed Trump voters think the only ly reason we dislike Trump is because we are contrarians rather than recognizing how awful he is.

19 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

It all depends on what we are talking about, if you refuse to get a certain haircut because 9 of your friends got it, or refuse to wear skinny jeans because everyone is wearing them it is entirely harmless.

But voting for the death of american democracy because everyone around you decided to use their brains? Yeah that is the stupidest shit in the world.

18 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 0

Contrariness is great for humor or for evaluation situations from different perspectives. It is NOT a good thing for basing your belief system on

15 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

huge difference between not buying into popularity and making stupid fucking decisions.

21 hours ago | Likes 18 Dislikes 0

depends on the motivations

22 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 38

wow .. why akk the hate !?

there have been many scientists that were againt the current ruling popular believe .. but they were right nonetheless....

19 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 4

That's a fucking stupid attempt at an analogy, bud.

Those scientists weren't right because they went against the popular beliefs, bud. They were right because they found new information that pointed to a different conclusion.

15 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Eh. Once your thought process completely detaches from the logic of a situation, you are functionally better off NOT even have an opinion than one that's only basis for existence is just being different. It is, at best, completely absurd and, at worst, outright malicious.

21 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 0

Nope. Stupid. Fucking. Childish. Shit.

22 hours ago | Likes 12 Dislikes 2

Contrarian by definition is specifically someone who is against a popular position, purely because it is the popular position.
If you're against what's currently popular because of any other motivation you're no longer a contrarian.

21 hours ago | Likes 14 Dislikes 1

I don't disagree, but I don't mind a contrarian about things that don't matter.

18 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

The only motivation for a self described contrarian is a desire to feel special.

21 hours ago | Likes 22 Dislikes 1

especially if it isn't based on specific circumstances. It's perfectly fine to see marvel movies as popular pop culture grabs that don't stand on strong script writing. It's another thing to hate every popular movie ever because people like them making you super interesting and alternative. When you lack specific reasons for taste, you are just an asshole.

21 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 0

No it isn’t! /s

22 hours ago | Likes 73 Dislikes 0

Listen, I paid to have an argument.

22 hours ago | Likes 23 Dislikes 1

20 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 1

No you didn’t.

22 hours ago | Likes 19 Dislikes 1

Well, if I didn't, why are we having an argument?

22 hours ago | Likes 15 Dislikes 1

That and apparently men are super averse to a woman as president. Neither are women really. I keep hearing "I just don't like her" from some of my aunts

20 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

We're all conditioned in the western world to associate power with men and that women who want to be powerful are evil (most of them are witches, literal or otherwise).

20 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Naaaw. You in America are just waaaaaaay behind and have a lot of mysogeny.

17 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Both things are true. But to think that this is an America-only problem is dangerous.

12 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

To be fair, from across the pond, we've had three women PMs. And they were all awful, albeit in different ways.

19 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

How is that fair? What we need to do is look at the individual. Harris does have her shit together.

17 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0