Trying to crack 100k so I can say that I accomplished something this year pt2

Oct 17, 2024 11:02 PM













#1 oh fuck I hear it now

8 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

#18 you ain't gonna guillotine my ween. It ain't even wealthy.

7 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

#5 Wtf, she wouldn't wash her hands before eating?

3 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

That last image......

7 hours ago | Likes 11 Dislikes 0

#1 I mean, that's not that unusual for a first grade class at the best of times.

7 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

#1 I seriously doubt a class full of six year olds care or even know who those puppets are.

8 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 2

#11 I feel like you need to say this with a certain accent to get it, because it took me way too long lol

7 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

#3 I too choose her boyfriends suspected side piece,

8 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

#6 This is very true. My boobs distract me all the time.

8 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

#33 Whale eye'll beef hooked

8 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

#13 Ali is not fucking around. We could be friends.

8 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

I have faith in you.

9 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

#13 when I was younger grabbed a bottle of everclear to put in slushis before a concert. Got back to the car and my best friend in the front seat reaches into the bag, doesn't read it and says "finally lets get this party started". Then proceeds to rip it open and chug for a good 10 seconds, before dry heaving for a good minute trying not to purge.

7 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

#21 and when we win - because we will, we have to be more determined in life than any typical nondisabled doctor ever will be - our prize is them having to actually investigate and treat our symptoms instead of dismissing everything as anxiety / weight / being a woman.

9 hours ago | Likes 15 Dislikes 0

I just want to bust some heads for revenge/betrayal trauma, but if the threat of a beat down makes them actually treat us like people I’m even more down for it than when I posted that

7 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

At this point with no official training — *I* could recommend someone get screened for Ehlers Dahlia, Rhumatoid arthritis, Lyme, etc based on the symptoms some of my friends and acquaintances harped on for years before they managed to get a diagnosis.

6 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

“Some people just can’t do as much as others.” -doc regarding my severe anemia and what would turn out was multiple sclerosis

5 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Should we let 6 year olds teach 1st grade?

11 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

Shouldn't let 6 year olds watch Star Wars either...

7 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

If the kids just cover an annual review of they could do far worse.

8 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

Why are you sharing this - I should be working. You know how easily distracted I am.

3 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

#7 I don't get it

8 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Safe from ticks with those boots

7 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

Thank you. That's actually a good one

4 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

#4 Henry Cavill vs Tom Cruise.

7 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

Perfect example!

6 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0


7 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

#20 There are some people who just shouldn't be allowed in a kitchen

8 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

#19 That's right. Only Miss Piggy is allowed to abuse Kermit.

6 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Tbf, at this point it seems to be a consensual kink.

4 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

My ex-wife treated me like Piggy does Kermit, it's abuse. I recognize the attempt at a joke, but ppl tragically stay in abusive relationships. And before anyone says "they're just puppets" had Kermit ever treated Piggy the way she does him...that would have been the last episode of the Muppets. Because when a male character treats a female character like that it is clearly abuse.

3 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 1

I'm sorry you went through that.

I don't think we should kinkshame anyone who does safe consensual impact play, but we do absolutely need to recognize the unfair patriarchal way abuse is treated when the victims are men.

3 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

#17 I love the full phrase "a jack of all trades and a master of none, but still better than a master of just one"

9 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

I like "Tim was so learned, he knew how to name a horse in nine languages; so ignorant, he bought a cow to ride on" - Ben Franklin

8 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

Oh the irony.

8 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

#12 what did Ali put in?

9 hours ago | Likes 17 Dislikes 0

In #13 she just DUMPS Everclear in it

8 hours ago | Likes 26 Dislikes 0

We used to make cherry bombs with it. Soak maraschino cherries in everclear for a week and then enjoy. In moderation.

6 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

#10 how small are your fingers

9 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

Ridiculously small tbh

7 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Can you do bugles?

6 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

But yes

4 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

#24 #25 #26 They put the ice cream BACK?!? That's like dropping your phone in the toilet, putting it in rice to dry it out, then putting the rice back.

6 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 0

For real, thats a trash tub now. And the sprouts.

4 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

#13 I like Ali.

10 hours ago | Likes 29 Dislikes 5

I like how everyone of Ali's friends knows Ali so well.

8 hours ago | Likes 28 Dislikes 0

She's single dude, shoot your shot!

7 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 0

Mmmmmm, Everclearly showing red flags

6 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

I'm not single.

5 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

User name checks out.

4 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

#1 Frank Oz. Also the voice of Bert, Grover, and Cookie Monster.

9 hours ago | Likes 34 Dislikes 0

The lion king roars — him growling into a trash can

6 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 1

Now that’s talent!

7 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 0

He directed the Stepford Wives, Bowfinger and Dirty Rotten Scoundrel. (Amongst other things)

7 hours ago | Likes 8 Dislikes 0


7 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Bowfinger was such an odd movie. I recall absolutely losing it in the theater when they had the high heels on the dog.

Chubby rain!

6 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

@op we did it. It took a bit of work. As recompense i expect you to name your first child after me.

11 hours ago | Likes 91 Dislikes 0

"After me" is a terrible name

2 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

This made my year! And I’m keeping the screenshot. Might frame it. Thank you, everyone needs a Sam ;)

10 hours ago | Likes 40 Dislikes 1

If you have kids, it's not to late. Just walk in and tell your oldest that they are now named after a guy on the internet.

9 hours ago | Likes 11 Dislikes 0

Unfortunately I’m not mom material but I’ve got a deaf chihuahua named Leo who I will now be calling Sam because you’re that important to me (and he won’t know the difference)

7 hours ago | Likes 12 Dislikes 0

Such a better love story than twilight

7 hours ago | Likes 11 Dislikes 0

(I searched “I’m in love” and this was the only result)

7 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 0

#15 Clever boy. Is he a rescue?

10 hours ago | Likes 13 Dislikes 3

more and more people are putting their kids on a leash and it really bugs me

9 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 5

I have 3 kids and to be honest, it's really not that hard to tell them not to run away. Unlike a dog, they can actually understand you. It genuinely make me think people are just getting lazy. Sure, if it's like a special needs kid, might be a great solution. But I feel like a lot of these are NOT.

8 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 3

Put on your collar and get a leash and I’m sure someone will walk you too.

8 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 2


7 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

#4 this seems like it should be hard to understand, and yet I 100% understand.

8 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

Yeah, like Pete Davidson being a heartthrob makes sense, but if Henry Cavill was just a little more weird and collected skulls, or had a moth man obsession it would be unsettling.

Other side of the coin — I wouldn't split a sandwich with Gwyneth Paltrow, but if Tilda Swinton invited my over for bbqed camel and hot yoga I wouldn't even text my friends to tell them where I went.

6 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

The example you want is Armie Hammer and his cannibalism fetish.

1 hour ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Oof. Exactly.

1 hour ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

#13 every one of her friends were on the same wave length of "aw shit not Ali" LOL girl is going to need an intervention in the future

8 hours ago | Likes 49 Dislikes 0

Ali's an idiot and needs to learn to portion / count.

2 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

But... why not just say stuff like "please get rid of the everclear" when everyone clearly dislike it?

8 hours ago | Likes 12 Dislikes 1

There's no like or dislike with everclear it's pure ethanol with no flavour.

25 minutes ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Because a common enemy creates our heroes, and shared pain lets us find our allies. You want good stories and adventure? then im afraid someone needs to be the villain

7 hours ago | Likes 25 Dislikes 0

Those words don't deserve to just die 3 layers deep in a imgur comment. Poetry.

1 hour ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

One part of me is absolutely furious about this comment. The rest of me will simply accept whatever fate you put before me.

6 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 1


7 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0