They can not become bad people

Oct 17, 2024 2:05 PM








Doc is sexy

17 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 2

Vet: Thank god I had an identical puppy in the back.

19 hours ago | Likes 21 Dislikes 0

Religion can make anybody bad.

15 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 1

This alives the dog.

18 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

That one kid is reaching in his pocket like he's trying to find money to pay the man. Some context would be nice, and also vids that end too soon...

16 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 1

I'm so glad that ended so well! Good dude!

22 hours ago | Likes 10 Dislikes 1

"Before fighting in the streets and bears Zangief followed his passion of helping animals."

14 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

It's that the same dog 🐕🤔?

17 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Aww, good kids!

18 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

"Don't play with him so hard, guys"

18 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

They're all good kids, Bront

20 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

The kid digs in his pocket at the end like whatever is in there will definitely cover whatever this costs.

16 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

yep there's an emergency for love in that world

19 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

“Kids this is a shelter, this dog’s dea-you know what- wait one sec I got you” *grabs new pup

16 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

That'll be $13,734.32. Cash or permanent debt? Thanks for helping animals!

17 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 1

17 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

They're still very young, give it time.

18 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

If you reverse it, it gets wayyy dark

19 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 1

Vet gives kids dead puppy

19 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

They're a lot cheaper to feed for one!

17 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 1

I don't come here for memes, I'm here for comments like these.

5 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Plot twist: The two scenes were reversed.

12 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Love how the kid is reaching into his pocket for some cash....or at least a candy bar.

18 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 1

Splinter between the paws? That's the only think I can think of that would allow a vet to cure him in a matter of minutes

19 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 2

Could have drowned, choked, any number of things that'd cause it to lose consciousness without dying.

19 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 1

Dogs don't pass out from having a splinter

19 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

Three goodest boys of the human variety.

21 hours ago | Likes 65 Dislikes 3

I see 4 human good boys and 1 doggo good boy :)

19 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 3


20 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

And knew exactly what to do, and had the confidence to do it. 12/10

16 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

They are all good boys !

17 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

I don't think that dog likes them or belongs to them.

18 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 1

I mean this is cute and all, but why?

19 hours ago | Likes 16 Dislikes 2

Internet points, I suspect.

19 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 6

I actually mean why was the dog limp? I should have said that lol.

18 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 1

It looks asleep, the way puppies will "crash" after playing a while. I think the vet and the scene were set up for TikTok/Insta/Ect.

17 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 1

You might be correct. Without context it's entirely possible.

16 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 1

Some context would be nice

20 hours ago | Likes 229 Dislikes 2

The childs toy ran out of batteries. Just needed half hour on the fast charger.

8 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Too bad 😖

19 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 2

I could be wrong, but it feels like a staged video. Puppy simply looks asleep at first, the kid even runs like he's trying not to wake it.

18 hours ago | Likes 59 Dislikes 18

If the cctv was shittier quality I’d find it more authentic. It does feel staged

1 hour ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

No, a puppy would not sleep through that. The kid is running like he is carrying something he cares about.

15 hours ago | Likes 16 Dislikes 1

yeah. totally could be staged, but not for that reason

15 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 3

Don't know who is downvoting you, you're spot on. Anything can be faked but the kid being careful when carrying a puppy he clearly cares about is not evidence that it's staged.

11 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

After the dog comes out, one of the kids starts immediately digging in his pocket. I imagine he's going to try to pay the vet, and the vet declines it, and it ends with some religious/morality lesson.

18 hours ago | Likes 19 Dislikes 0

3 kids bringing their dog up to a random vet's office door, no adult in sight with the kids. This is fake af.

12 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

---Produced by Dhar Mann---

17 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 1

The child said “can you exchange this for another puppy? This one passed away :(“ and he said “sure one sec lol”

Is my only guess without the sound

19 hours ago | Likes 336 Dislikes 2

i bet you're great at chirades and pictionary

15 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Monty Python parrot sketch but with a puppy!

17 hours ago | Likes 9 Dislikes 0

"We strangled him to death, can you turn him in to a robot, doc? -sure thing kids!"

17 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

lol had to do it

18 hours ago | Likes 58 Dislikes 0

15 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 0

We played with him nonstop for 4 hours, now he's not working!

21 hours ago | Likes 463 Dislikes 2

Sometimes dogs will wag their tails too much and strain them.

11 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

19 hours ago | Likes 17 Dislikes 0

"we even put new batteries in!"

18 hours ago | Likes 17 Dislikes 0

*points to rear end*

18 hours ago | Likes 8 Dislikes 0

9 of them...

16 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0


16 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

20 hours ago | Likes 38 Dislikes 0

19 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

I've had a puppy. There's at least a 43% chance this is entirely the dogs fault. Started biting a paint can which exploded green paint all over him or charged into a bucket full of it or something.

18 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

I've had a photoshop. There's at least a 100% chance that this is entirely the end users fault. It'd be more convincing if it was a layer of solid green over everything including the leash (and especially the metallic parts of the leash) and if they had used a finer selection tool to select the fur and not the tile.

16 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

wasn't* a layer of solid green

16 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

I’m a dog owner and have learned that nothing is ever the dog’s fault. If I have a puppy, I won’t leave paint cans lying around.

16 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

Colorblindness is a curse, is that dog green?

18 hours ago | Likes 9 Dislikes 0


18 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 0

Thank-you, even with windows color assist mode, it's still a tossup sometimes.

18 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

That isn't a dog, that is an up-dog

17 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 0

"What is an up-dog?"

17 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

13 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

Wonder what happened to him. Choked on something maybe and lost consciousness?

20 hours ago | Likes 105 Dislikes 3

looks like a road kill to me

19 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 30

The Roadkill That Walked Away

18 hours ago | Likes 8 Dislikes 0

Starving West Virginia Families HATE This One Trick!

18 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

That's what it looks like to me, but there's not a lot to go on

19 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

I was thinking tick paralysis but choking is more likely

19 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 1

Yes, enquiring minds want to know!

20 hours ago | Likes 40 Dislikes 1

Well it's one explanation as to why the dog trotted out as if nothing had happened. Vet would have quickly removed the obstruction, dog would have started breathing (even with a bit of oxygen and assistance), and voilĂĄ! Dog is like 'why are we here my homies?' A concussion wouldn't have been as straightforward, or a fit.

19 hours ago | Likes 22 Dislikes 1

There's one less popular cause. Dog was under anesthesia and the video was staged. Or less less popular. Dog died and the vet gave them the secret backup dog.

18 hours ago | Likes 20 Dislikes 6

That only works with fish. I love my parents, and I’m actually really glad they never replaced any of our fish that died with look-alikes. They let us know plain and simple: “the fish died, but it lived a good life.” I have no problem with young children being aware of death; it’s actually best to explain it to kids because they start to appreciate life more from an earlier age, and be more careful. Thank you Mom and Dad!

17 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

My fish did not live a good life but my parents were very clear that they died. It was not our fault they lived a bad life. We did everything we could to save the fish, but it was tough luck. Later I looked it up and it was a combination of factors that might have been te problem, one of which was the temperature of the water that fluctuated a bit too much and giving too much food at once.

14 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

Secret backup dog?

18 hours ago | Likes 9 Dislikes 0

Do you not have one? Everyone should have a secret backup dog.

11 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Probably heatstroke or over exhausted, could've choked but the vet seemed pretty casual about it and didn't try to pull anything out of the mouth

19 hours ago | Likes 56 Dislikes 0

Based on their attire, I would lean away from heatstroke, but who knows?

19 hours ago | Likes 19 Dislikes 0

Vets always dress like that.

18 hours ago | Likes 19 Dislikes 1

The children are in heavy jackets

18 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 0

5 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

That'll be $1200 kids.

22 hours ago | Likes 972 Dislikes 8

PLEASE get pet insurance. Peace of mind alone is worth every fucking penny.

15 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Teach em from a young age

18 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

0:12 the kid at the back "was about to pay". Which does make me skeptical about the video...

15 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

My kids cost way more than $1200

17 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

Try eBay

9 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

lol ain’t that some shit

19 hours ago | Likes 48 Dislikes 1

$800 for my dog's emergency paw repair, so yeah...

12 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Support veterinary staff, not corporate vets. I happily shell out every penny for my cats at my vets office, but I will spit on blue pearl’s entire corporate structure before giving them a nickel.

16 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

And just so you know he was sleeping.

18 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0


13 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0


19 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 0

Before tax?

18 hours ago | Likes 10 Dislikes 0

and tip!

17 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0



20 hours ago (deleted Oct 17, 2024 5:06 PM) | Likes 0 Dislikes 0

Vets don't go into it for money. There's a big problem with suicide because they are trying to help but they also need to survive and pay for the equipment, meds, techs, rent. It's tough. You can never be doing enough.

19 hours ago | Likes 8 Dislikes 3

SOMEbody is in it for the money, because that $1400 comment is a little low.

19 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 2

Student loans and corporate owners. That's why prices are high.

18 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 1 Yes. Just not the vets, usually. Like doctors vs pharma corps I guess.

18 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

That seems like a security camera, probably filmed that too...

20 hours ago | Likes 21 Dislikes 1

Maybe, probably just not released then. I remember being at a vet appointment and there was a cat severely injured, his tail ran over, not sure if it needed to be amputated. Basically got told to fuck off unless he had enough money, but in nicer corporate words. Peoole left with the cat wailing in pain.

20 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 5

They have to pay their workers, and pay for the supplies. It sucks, but there's not much they can do. That probably happens 10 times a day. If they helped all of those, the place would go broke and shut down. I say this, having gone through that experience where I couldn't pay. I know the pain. But I understand the reason.

20 hours ago | Likes 8 Dislikes 1

Sounds like they need government pet care vets.

20 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 3

Recently had an inured dog outside my office complex that has a vet. They wouldn’t take it unless I took on responsibility for bill.

18 hours ago | Likes 11 Dislikes 0

Vets don't give a shit. It's a business before their principles.

12 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 2

Do YOU work for free?

11 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 0

Seldomly. But people think veterinary care doesn't cost money. Also, why don't they care about animals.

9 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

judging from signs its not USA , vets are very affordable in Europe

18 hours ago | Likes 24 Dislikes 5

In Germany, it's not "ruin your life" expensive, but definitely "how much??" expensive. I expect to spend 100-200 every time I bring mine in.

15 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

At least in the UK pet insurance is a must. My dog had (sadly terminal) cancer and the costs ratchetted up to more than we'd've been able to afford without it.

16 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

Well... Not really. And I won't even quibble over your broad application of "Europe", because I don't think health care for pets is "affordable" anywhere.

Like, I can afford a visit, but I'll have a tight budget for six months afterwards.
There's a reason why the most prominent thing in a vet's waiting room is usually a poster helpfully reminding you that the vet's office has a cooperation with a local bank, so reasonable loans are available, or which insurance company provides which coverage.

17 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 1

Affordable compared to the USA i would say. a Vet visit in the USA would cost a car payment to a rent payment 500-2500$ so it is quite literally Help your pet and have barely anything money wise and be forced to do overtime for extra income or not take care of your pet. Its just that bad. I would rather take a Tight budget in EU compared to watching your pet die etc. or not feeding myself or rack up debt from rent/bills.

16 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Depends, Swede here, we paid a vet bill of 20.000kr/1900usd, but it was a midnight emergency vet clinic and my cat wasn't ensured so that's a factor.

18 hours ago | Likes 12 Dislikes 0

All of those are still 50% of a us cost. I took my dying kitten to one and they said 5k baseline - not the end, just to start. Kitten died, I was way too poor at the time to even consider it.

10 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Norwegian vets are crazy too

11 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Yeah same situation in switzerland. 2000 francs

17 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

Ye, that'll be pretty costly in France too.

13 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Damn. I don't even know ONE Franc, let alone 2000!

16 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

15 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0