Big LOTR dump

Oct 17, 2024 3:40 PM








#40 this person doesn't know how loincloths work

19 hours ago | Likes 10 Dislikes 0

Fan of both here: the OG trilogies of each were great, but I have issues with the subsequent releases

11 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

Headcanon Saruman: "Giving my siege weapons orcish names has been revolutionary. Does an orc care if a siege weapon goes missing? No! Do they care if Grond the Siege Ram has not been returned? ABSOLUTELY. It's like a manhunt until Grond has been returned to his rightful spot."

Apologies to MissBThe3rd.

11 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

Regarding Eowyn being drawn in sexy armor, look at the orcs he drew. Maybe the Rohirrim did dress like that

11 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

#3 This is why I hate when they don't let characters wear helmets.

4 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

#1 Peter Jackson would most definitely not say anything like that.

5 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

8 hours later… well worth it.

12 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

#3 Buffering.

12 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0


14 hours ago | Likes 9 Dislikes 0


13 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

Headcanon Saruman: "Giving my siege weapons orcish names has been revolutionary. Does an orc care if a siege weapon goes missing? No! Do they care if Grond the Siege Ram has not been returned? ABSOLUTELY. It's like a manhunt until Grond has been returned to his rightful spot."

Apologies to MissBThe3rd.

11 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

#111 I love that Gimli just thought, “Fuck, just smash the damn thing!” and went for it.

Meanwhile Elrond and Gandalf are just sitting there face-palming. “You really think we didn’t try that? ‘Oh just hit it with an axe! That’s gotta work!’ Ugh… fucking dwarves…”

10 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

173 more images? Yes please!

12 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0


19 hours ago | Likes 9 Dislikes 0

Headcanon Saruman: "Giving my siege weapons orcish names has been revolutionary. Does an orc care if a siege weapon goes missing? No! Do they care if Grond the Siege Ram has not been returned? ABSOLUTELY. It's like a manhunt until Grond has been returned to his rightful spot."

Apologies to MissBThe3rd.

11 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

what a lovely addition to my morning +1

20 hours ago | Likes 15 Dislikes 0

9 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

18 hours ago | Likes 4 Dislikes 1

Ease up on the fiber, this dump is too big.

20 hours ago | Likes 45 Dislikes 1

178 more images, well LOTR fans do like long books and movies.

1 hour ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

This dump is so large I need a poop knife.

13 hours ago | Likes 8 Dislikes 0

Me, opening this dump after I should have already been in bed: Things are now in motion that cannot be undone

9 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

God this Dump hurt, this LOTR one didn't help either.

12 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Had a buddy weld up a burly t-post driver for me. Named it Grond. Thing is a fuckin beast

18 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Can't remember the number but "Yeah Baby!"

13 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

#4 Some sources state that Mordor was actually an emerging industrial culture that screwed their agriculture with faulty irrigation program and needed to expand to feed the growing population. They had science and arts and social progress.
It is winners who wrote the history depicting them as subhuman mosters.
So yes, it seems that they had factories, roads, restaurants, public schools, libraries and universities before being genocided by elves and their minions.

19 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 3

Hoo boy, wait'll you hear about Isengard...

13 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

#51 I always cry a little when I see this. And also, I cry a little every time, reading the book, Eomer shout this line. I think it's just the way it's phrased. Anyways I cry a little with somehow every catching line of this book. Nevermind, I'm a sensible dude...

18 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 1

18 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 1

#2 reminds me of the anime Erased - big emotional moment

14 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0


12 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

#10 hey R34 artists, I have a request...

20 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 2


18 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

20 hours ago | Likes 17 Dislikes 0

THIS... This is a masterpiece!!!

19 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 0

Care of @TheBlueMorpho

17 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

16 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 0

Guess I'll start us off.

20 hours ago | Likes 28 Dislikes 0

19 hours ago | Likes 9 Dislikes 0

18 hours ago | Likes 5 Dislikes 0

9 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

19 hours ago | Likes 14 Dislikes 0


17 hours ago | Likes 8 Dislikes 0

17 hours ago | Likes 6 Dislikes 0

#188 Your mother is so large orcs follow her around shouting "Grond! Grond! Grond!"

13 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 0

Headcanon Saruman: "Giving my siege weapons orcish names has been revolutionary. Does an orc care if a siege weapon goes missing? No! Do they care if Grond the Siege Ram has not been returned? ABSOLUTELY. It's like a manhunt until Grond has been returned to his rightful spot."

Apologies to MissBThe3rd.

11 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

#69 Rings of power is not good, but this complaint is dumb.

19 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 3


18 hours ago | Likes 2 Dislikes 5

Yes. What the fuck is he supposed to be wearing to show the height of Numenor's power, a Gundam suit? Shit, even the plate armor in the first pic is non-canonical. Tolkien never describes anything more advanced than chainmail.

18 hours ago | Likes 7 Dislikes 0

A chest plate that actually fits him, for one...

9 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0

Also, that's not what the Numenorians wore into actual battle. We saw that, those suits look awesome. This is practically fatigues, you can't compare it to what Boromir's wearing in that screenshot.

11 hours ago | Likes 3 Dislikes 0

I disagree on their actual battle armor, making plate armor look like scale was an odd choice, why not just do scale? Why is it white? With the budget they had they could have done better than just scale printed sleeves for the arms too.

9 hours ago | Likes 1 Dislikes 0